Nearly 50 residents and office staff attended the inaugural session, which was also attended by the Administration and members of the Board of Directors, who took the opportunity to hold their regular meeting on the spot.
After an informal tour of the office and warehouse spaces, there was time for everyone to get together for a light lunch, marked by relaxation, conviviality and socializing.
It was also time to highlight the CriATIV photographic exhibition, which, after its headquarters in Alverca, can now be seen in the common areas, open space and training room of the new facilities.
To mark the date, a symbolic ceremony took place outside, with a cake and sparkling wine and the planting of several trees, representing a new beginning.
In a few brief words, Fernando Ramos, the COO, took the opportunity to thank everyone for attending and to reinforce the company’s growth, which has resulted in new dynamics and challenges.