With the goal of achieving substantial savings in irrigation water consumption, Mota-Engil ATIV has been carrying out more and more SAP application works with DryJect technology in various parts of the country and in various entities, whether public or private.
For Inframoura, the company responsible for the maintenance of Vilamoura’s green spaces, ATIV carried out, at the end of 2020, the application of SAP with DryJect technology in one of Vilamoura’s framing lawns, with a view to evaluating this technology’s efficiency in the use of irrigation water.
After two years, the evaluation is extremely positive and reveals that the lawn areas where SAP were applied consumed 50% less irrigation water than the lawn areas where these SAP were not applied.
The water saving corresponded to 14,200.00 m3 per hectare (10,000 m2), on average, for each year. That is, over the two years a total of 28,400 m3 per hectare was saved.
According to Inframoura, over the two years, the quality of the lawn where SAPs were applied remained, if not better, at least equivalent to the remaining lawn area.
Mota-Engil ATIV is pleased with the results obtained, in line with the objectives to be achieved with this technology, a 50% saving in irrigation water consumption of the lawn areas.