Mota-Engil ACTIV’s service portfolio in the area of water efficiency, which already covered the execution of measurement and control areas (MCA) with the installation of flow meters, pressure sensors and reducing valves in public water supply networks, was extended with the award of leak detection services in 5 municipalities served by the company Águas do Alto Minho S.A.
The provision of services is organised by Lots, coordinated by different Operational Centres (COP): Lot 1 – COP North: Caminha, Valença and Vila Nova de Cerveira and Lot 3 – COP North East: Arcos de Valdevez and Paredes de Coura.
The contract started in June 2022 and its object is the provision of leak detection services in the water supply network of the company Águas do Alto Minho S.A. covering about 300 kilometers under very specific technical conditions for a period of 1 year. This service may be renewed for equal periods up to a maximum of 3 years.
The performance of the leak detection teams has enabled the objectives of the service provision to be anticipated, contributing effectively to the reduction of real losses in the subsystems.

With the objective of detecting 97 Non Visible Leaks (NVF) in Lot 1 – North COP and 46 in Lot 3 – Northeast COP at the end of 1 year, this objective was practically surpassed in just four months (October), with 97 leaks having been identified in the North COP and 28 in the Northeast COP.
The two teams assigned to the Contract carry out continuous daily work, on a day or night basis depending on the urgency of the request, with very positive results in terms of saving the water lost. After 5 months of work, some of the subsystems have historic minimum night flow rates, guaranteeing Customer satisfaction.
ATIV’s active leakage research team is thus positioned as an experienced and competent partner to support Customers in this type of work, so relevant to the reduction of water lost in water supply systems.
As a partner for water efficiency, Mota-Engil ATIV can assist Customers in the definition of Plans for the Reduction of Unaccounted for Water and in the implementation of different improvement actions, being able to combine the detection of the non-visible leakage with the immediate repair of the rupture, contributing to greater efficiency in results.