In an intervention area of about 6000 m2 it was intended to correct and mitigate the constructive pathologies of the school space, including correction/sanitation of sidewalk bases, introduction of a new drainage system, repair of crumbling plaster on the outer wall, implementation of irrigation network, planting of trees and shrubs and assembly of children’s equipment.

According to the various functionalities, 5 differentiated spaces were considered in the school playground: covered playground, children’s equipment area, free play area, rest area, and sports field.
The work included repaving all the school’s streets, as well as the total replacement of the existing outdoor lighting in the school grounds and the playing field. Several lowering of the sidewalk kerbs, and inclinations of the access ramp to one of the pavilions were also corrected. Another Mota-Engil ATIV project successfully completed, combining the enhancement of the territory, sustainable development, and quality of life, in this case, for the benefit of the school community.